The openATTIC project enters maintenance mode

If you have been following this blog closely, you may have already noticed that the frequency of new openATTIC releases and development activity in general has been slowing down over the course of the last 1.5 years.

We've been doing several bug fix releases of openATTIC 3.7 (and will continue to do so), but have not released a new major version with new features for quite some time. We also have not added support for Ceph "Mimic" or "Nautilus" (the current supported version of Ceph in openATTIC is "Luminous").

Instead, we have spent most of our energy in enhancing and improving the upstream Ceph Dashboard to become a full replacement for openATTIC. And we're happy to announce that we've reached feature parity (and much more) with openATTIC with the current Ceph Nautilus release!


Ceph Dashboard has been developed nearly from scratch, and we have been able to address a number of shortcomings that we identified in the openATTIC architecture over the course of its life cycle. There's great value in being able to start over again and to rethink some previous design decisions; we're very grateful to the Ceph community for giving us this opportunity.

Moving our focus upstream also allowed us to gather a much larger developer community around our efforts, which helped tremendously in adding new features and improving the existing functionality in a very short period of time. I am very proud of what we have achieved over the course of the past 20 months and we are very thankful for all the contributions and feedback that we've received so far!

Working with the upstream Ceph project directly also has the additional benefit of being part of the software distribution "out of the box" - there's no need to install any additional software! This way, we're able to reach a much wider audience of users.

If you have been using openATTIC before, many parts of the Dashboard will likely look familiar to you. We hope that switching to this new web-based management tool will be seen as an improvement and step forward from a user perspective.

If you are missing anything in the Dashboard that openATTIC used to provide, please get in touch with us and let us know! We're very keen on getting feedback as well as contributions.

openATTIC 3.7.3 has been released

We're happy to announce version 3.7.3 of openATTIC!

Version 3.7.3 is the third release in 2019 and comes with various bugfixes. We also included a security fix for a better session handling and for blocking clickjacking attacks. Furthermore we did some refactoring as well as a few improvements of the openATTIC tests and their stability.

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openATTIC 3.7.2 has been released

We're happy to announce version 3.7.2 of openATTIC!

Version 3.7.2 is the second release in 2019 and although it does not contain a lot of changes it includes a critical bugfix when using or updating to Ceph Luminous version 12.2.11-566-g896835fd74. When using the previously mentioned Ceph version it was no longer possible to create a replicated pool within openATTIC - trying to do so resulted in an error.

Also we fixed an issue in the frontend related to long running tasks showing a huge time difference for calculated runtimes even though they only took a few seconds to complete.

Fortunately we were able to fix the mentioned issues and are therefore happy to release a new openATTIC version including these fixes and making sure that when updating to Ceph version 12.2.11-x openATTIC works as expected.

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Ceph Manager Dashboard Screenshots as of 2019-01-17

A lot has happened since I last wrote about the Ceph Manager Dashboard on this blog. This project has grown significantly in several ways since then: lots of new features were added in preparation for the upcoming Ceph "Nautilus" release, and the team working on this project has also grown quite noticeably.

I'll be talking about this journey in more detail at the upcoming DevConf.CZ and FOSDEM conferences and upcoming blog posts, but I'd like to share some screenshots as teasers for the time being - enjoy!

Note that these are made from a current development snapshot, the final version will likely look slightly different in some places. These screenshots also don't show the embedded Grafana dashboards and have been taken on a single node development system, so they aren't that impressive.

(See the gallery for higher resolution images)

Talking about Ceph Manager Dashboard at DevConf.CZ and FOSDEM 2019

Happy New Year to all of you! It's been a while that I posted on this blog; our team has been through an exciting year and it's time to talk about our achievements so far!

We've made a lot of progress in adding new features and missing functionality to the Ceph Manager Dashboard. The upcoming Ceph 14.0 "Nautilus" release is going to be a major milestone for us.


If you're curious to learn more about our work, I'm happy to share that I'll be talking about the dashboard at two upcoming Open Source conferences in Europe:

openATTIC 3.7.0 has been released

We're happy to announce version 3.7.0 of openATTIC!

Version 3.7.0 is the first bugfix release of the 3.7 stable branch, containing fixes for multiple issues that were mainly reported by users.

There has been an issue with self-signed certificates in combination with the RGW proxy which is now configurable. We also improved the openATTIC user experience and adapted some of our frontend tests in order to make them more stable.

As mentioned in our last blog post our team was working on a Spanish translation. We are very proud to have the translation included in this release. Thank you Gustavo for your contribution.

Another highlight of the release is then newly added RBD snapshot management. openATTIC is now capable to create, clone, rollback, protect/unprotect and delete RBD snapshots. In addition it is also possible to copy RBD images now. Furthermore the "pool edit" feature received a slight update: we implemented the option to set the "EC overwrite" flag when editing erasure coded pools.

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Ceph and Ceph Manager Dashboard presentations at openSUSE Conference 2018

Last weekend, the openSUSE Conference 2018 took place in Prague (Czech Republic). Our team was present to talk about Ceph and our involvement in developing the Ceph manager dashboard, which will be available as part of the upcoming Ceph "Mimic" release.

The presentations were held by Laura Paduano and Kai Wagner from our team - thank you for your engagement! The openSUSE conference team did an excellent job in streaming and recording each session, and the resulting videos can already be viewed from their YouTube channel.

Ceph - The Distributed Storage Solution

Ceph Manager Dashboard

Ceph Dashboard v2 update

It's been a little over a month now since we reached Milestone 1 (feature parity with Dashboard v1), which was merged into the Ceph master branch on 2018-03-06.

After the initial merge, we had to resolve a few build and packaging related issues, to streamline the ongoing development, testing and packaging of the new dashboard as part of the main Ceph project.

With these teething problems out of the way, the team has started working on several topics in parallel. A lot of these are "groundwork/foundation" kind of tasks, e.g. adding UI components and backend functionality that pave the way to enable the additional user-visible management features.

In the meanwhile, we have submitted over 80 additional pull requests, of which more than 60 have been merged already.

In this post, I'd like to summarize some of the highlights and notable improvements we're currently working on or that have been added to the code base already. This is by no means a complete list - it's more a subjective selection of changes that caught my attention.

It's also noteworthy that we've already received a number of pull requests from Ceph community members outside of the original openATTIC team that started this project - we're very grateful for the support and look forward to future contributions!

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