openATTIC 2.0.12 beta has been released
openATTIC 2.0.12 beta has been released
We're happy to announce the availability of openATTIC version 2.0.12.
Some highlight of this release include some UI and workflow improvements on the host management page as well as improved input validation for FibreChannel WWNs. The WebUI now uses the user's web browser's local storage to keep track of personal UI settings like the sort order/criteria for data tables.
Also new in this release is a new Ceph management page that lists all existing RADOS block devices (RBDs) and their details on the selected cluster. The backend and REST API has received a lot of new Ceph management functionality - please see the openATTIC Ceph REST API overview on the openATTIC Wiki for details. We also added initial Nagios/Icinga monitoring support for keeping track of a Ceph Cluster's overall health status and storing it in RRD files using PNP4Nagios. This functionality provides the foundation for the upcoming Ceph status dashboard, which will also display historic cluster performance data (OP-85). If you have troubles with updating your current development system you may consider the following topic on our Google Group "Heads-up: Nagios-related configuration changes and development configurations".